In electric power generation combined cycle is an assembly of heat engines that work in tandem off the same source of heat, converting it into mechanical energy, which in turn usually drives electrical generators. The principle is that the exhaust of one heat engine is used as the heat source for another, thus extracting more useful energy from the heat, increasing the system's overall efficiency. This works because heat engines are only able to use a portion of the energy their fuel generates (usually less than 50%).

The remaining heat (e.g., hot exhaust fumes) from combustion is generally wasted. Combining two or more thermodynamic cycles results in improved overall efficiency, reducing fuel costs. In stationary power plants, a successful, common combination is the Brayton cycle (in the form of a turbine burning natural gas or synthesis gas from coal) and the Rankine cycle (in the form of a steam power plant). Multiple stage turbine or steam cylinders are also common.

Around two thirds of the electrical power generated is produced by the gas turbine. a mixture of compressed air and fuel is combusted. The hot gases that this process creates drive the turbine and, with it, the generator that is coupled to it. The rest of the electrical power generated, roughly a third, is produced by the steam turbine using the hot exhaust gases leaving the gas turbine. In the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) the exhaust gases transfer their heat to the circulating water. the pressurised water vaporises, causing the temperature in the system to rise. The steam drives the steam turbine and, with it, the generator that is coupled to it.




 1-2: Isentropic expansion in turbine          2-3: Isothermal heat rejection in condensor

3-4: Adiabatic compression in feed pump 4-5: Sensible heat addition in economiser

5-6: Latent heat addition in evaporator     6-1:  Super heat adition in Super heater


                                                                                    Braton cycle

1-2: Adiabatic Compression    2-3: Constant Pressure Heat Addition

3-4: Adiabatic Expansion        4-5: Constant Pressure Heat Rejection


                                           Typical combined cycle


The term combined cycle (CC) refers to a system that incorporates a gas turbine (GT), a steam turbine (ST), a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG), where the heat of the exhaust gases is used to produce steam and a generator. The shaft power from the gas turbine and that developed by the steam turbine both run the generator that produces electric power.

In most combined cycle applications the gas turbine is the topping cycle and the steam turbine is the bottoming cycle. The major components that make up a combined cycle are the gas turbine, the HRSG and the steam turbine as shown in Figure .3 a typical combined cycle power plant with a single pressure HRSG. Thermal efficiencies of the combined cycles can reach as high as 60%. In the typical combination the gas turbine produces about 60% of the power and the steam turbine about 40%. The steam turbine utilizes the energy in the exhaust gas of the gas turbine as its input energy. The energy transferred to the Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) by the gas turbine is usually equivalent to about the rated output of the gas turbine at design conditions. At off-design conditions the Inlet Guide Vanes (IGV) are used

to regulate the air so as to maintain a high temperature to the HRSG.






                                    Energy distribution of CCPP


The primary modules in a gas turbine:

• Compressor module

• Combustion module

• Turbine module

A gas turbine also has an inlet section/ module and an exhaust section/ module. Most advanced and large gas turbines have compressors that are the axial design type. Some of the earlier, smaller or deliberately compact gas turbines have centrifugal compressors. Each compressor stage provides an opportunity for stepping up the overall compressor pressure ratio (PR), so although an axial stage may not offer as much of a PR as a centrifugal stage of  the same diameter, a multistage axial compressor offers far higher PR (and therefore mass flow rates and resultant power) than a centrifugal design.




Air inlet section

A gas turbine takes in many multiples of what an equivalent size reciprocating engine can. The air inlet is generally a smooth, bell shaped, aluminium alloy duct. It leads air into the compressor with minimized turbulence. Typically, struts brace the outer shell of the front frame to minimize air flow vibration. An anti-icing system directs compressor air (at discharge or some pressure higher than atmospheric) that is bled off an appropriate compressor stage, into these struts. The temperature of this air prevents ice formation. Ice ingestion can and has destroyed many gas turbine engines.

Compressor module

The compressor is made up of rotating blades on discs and stationary vanes that direct the air to the next row of blades. The first stage compressor rotor blades accelerate the air towards their trailing edges and towards the first stage vanes. The first stage vanes slow the air down and direct it towards the second stage compressor rotor blades, and so on through the compressor rotor stages (each stage is one rotating stage and one stationary stage). The main types of compressor design are centrifugal and axial flow. The axial-centrifugal-flow compressor is a combination of both and operates with a combination of their characteristics. It is a less common design.


The combustor module contains the combustion chambers, igniter plugs, and fuel nozzles. The combustor burns a fuel-air mixture and delivers the products of combustion to the turbine at temperatures within design range. Fuel is injected at the upstream end of the burner in a highly atomized spray. Fuel nozzles may be simplex type (delivering gaseous fuel or liquid fuel) or they may be designed to be dual fuel (delivering gas or liquid at different times in the operation). Some gas turbines are “bi-fuel”. They may burn a mixture of gas and liquid fuel. Combustion air, with the help of swirled vanes, flows in around the fuel nozzle and mixes with the fuel.

Turbine module

The kinetic energy of the gases entering the turbine is transformed into shaft horsepower which is then used to drive the compressor and other support systems (via accessory system gears. Note that this turbine, combustor and compressor modules form an assembly that is termed the “gas generator”. In power generation applications, the entire gas turbine is a gas generator that is then mechanically coupled either directly or via a gear box, to the generator that in turn is coupled to the grid or power supply system.


Exhaust module

The gas turbine’s hot gases exit via the exhaust section or module. Structurally, this section supports the power turbine and rear end of the rotor shaft. The exhaust case typically has an inner and outer housing. Hollow struts locate its position. The inner housing typically has a cone shape or cover that encloses a chamber for cooling the thrust bearing at the end of the shaft.


The combined-cycle system includes single-shaft and multi-shaft configurations. The single-shaft system consists of one gas turbine, one steam turbine, one generator and one Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG), with the gas turbine and steam turbine coupled to the single generator in a tandem arrangement on a single shaft. Key advantages of the single-shaft arrangement are operating simplicity, smaller footprint, and lower start up cost. Single-shaft arrangements, however, will tend to have less flexibility and equivalent reliability than multi-shaft blocks. Additional operational flexibility is provided with a steam turbine which can be disconnected, using a synchronic-self-shifting (SSS) Clutch for start up or for simple cycle operation of the gas turbine.

Multi-shaft systems have one or more gas turbine-generators and HRSGs that supply steam through a common header to a separate single steam turbine-generator. In terms of overall investment a multi-shaft system is about 5% higher in costs.

Single- and multiple-pressure non-reheat steam cycles are applied to combined-cycle systems equipped with gas turbines having rating point exhaust gas temperatures of approximately 540 °C or less. Selection of a single- or multiple-pressure steam cycle for a specific application is determined by economic evaluation which considers plant installed cost, fuel cost and quality, plant duty cycle, and operating and maintenance cost. Multiple-pressure reheat steam cycles are applied to combined-cycle systems with gas turbines having rating point exhaust gas temperatures of approximately 600 °C.

The most efficient power generation cycles are those with unfired HRSGs with modular pre-engineered components. These unfired steam cycles are also the lowest in cost. Supplementary-fired combined-cycle systems are provided for specific application. The primary regions of interest for cogeneration combined-cycle systems are those with unfired and supplementary fired steam cycles. These systems provide a wide range of thermal energy to electric power ratio and represent the range of thermal energy capability and power generation covered by the product line for thermal energy and power systems.


The turbines used in Combined Cycle Plants are commonly fuelled with natural gas , which is found in abundant reserves on every continent. Natural gas is becoming the fuel of choice for private investors and consumers because it is more versatile than coal or oil and can be used in 90% of energy applications. China is tapping its gas reserves to reduce reliance on coal, which is currently burned to generate 80% of the country’s electric supply.

Where the extension of a gas pipeline is impractical or cannot be economically justified, electricity needs in remote areas can be met with small scale Combined Cycle Plants, using renewable fuels. Instead of natural gas, Combined Cycle Plants can be filled with biogas derived from agricultural and forestry waste, which is often readily available in rural areas.

Combined cycle plants are usually powered by natural gas, although fuel oil, synthesis gas or other fuels can be used. The supplementary fuel may be natural gas, fuel oil, or coal. Bio fuels can also be used. Integrated solar combined cycle power stations combine the energy harvested from solar radiation with another fuel to cut fuel costs and environmental impact. Next generation nuclear power plants are also on the drawing board which will take advantage of the higher temperature range made available by the Brayton top cycle, as well as the increase in thermal efficiency offered by a Rankine bottoming cycle.

Low-Grade Fuel for Turbines: Gas turbines burn mainly natural gas and light oil. Crude oil, residual, and some distillates contain corrosive components and as such require fuel treatment equipment. In addition, ash deposits from these fuels result in gas turbine debating’s of up to 15 percent they may still be economically attractive fuels however, particularly in combined-cycle plants.

Sodium and potassium are removed from residual, crude and heavy distillates by a water washing procedure. A simpler and less expensive purification system will do the same job for light crude and light distillates. A magnesium additive system may also be needed to reduce the corrosive effects if vanadium is present. Fuels requiring such treatment must have a separate fuel-treatment plant and a system of accurate fuel monitoring to assure reliable, low-maintenance operation of gas turbines.


The combination of the gas turbine Brayton Cycle and the steam power system Rankine Cycle complement each other to form efficient combined-cycles. The Brayton Cycle has high source temperature and rejects heat at a temperature that is conveniently used as the energy source for the Rankine Cycle. The most commonly used working fluids for combined cycles are air and steam. Other working fluids (organic fluids, potassium vapor, mercury vapor, and others) have been applied on a limited scale. Combined-cycle systems that utilize steam and air-working fluids have achieved widespread commercial application due to:

·         High thermal efficiency through application of two complementary

thermodynamic cycles.

·         Heat rejection from the Brayton Cycle (gas turbine) at a temperature that can be utilized in a simple and efficient manner.

·         Working fluids (water and air) that are readily available, inexpensive, and nontoxic.

These combined-cycle systems provide flexibility with features that include:

1. High Thermal Efficiency – Combined cycle thermal efficiency is higher than that of other conventional power generation systems.

2. Low Installed Cost - Combined-cycle equipment is pre-engineered and factorypackaged to minimize installation time and cost. All major equipment (gas turbine generator, heat recovery steam generator [HRSG], and steam turbine generator) is shipped to the field as assembled and tested components.

Auxiliary equipment, such as condensers, can be shipped factory-tubed and hydrotested. This greatly reduces the inventory of parts that must be managed in the field and minimizes installation cost. Combined-cycle equipment cost is higher than that for conventional steam plants due to pre-engineering; however, combined-cycle plant installation costs are significantly lower, resulting from the reduced installation cycle.

3. Fuel Flexibility - Combined-cycle plants operate efficiently by burning a wide range of fuels, ranging from clean natural gas and distillate oil fuels to ashbearing crude oil and residual oil fuels. Operation with coal-derived gas fuels has been applied in many commercial-size, combined-cycle systems.

4. Flexible Duty Cycle - Combined-cycle systems provide flexibility in operation for both base load and mid-range duty with daily start up. Gas turbines in multishaft, combined-cycle configuration can be started quickly, bringing about two thirds of plant power on-line, typically in less than 60 minutes. Combined-cycle plants also provide efficient operation at part load, particularly for multiple gas turbine combined-cycle systems. This is illustrated by the variation in plant output with variation in plant heat rate curve shown for a General Electric STAG 209E system.

                                            STAG 209E combined cycle part load performance

Modulating compressor inlet guide vanes are standard features of many gas turbine models, enabling high efficiency operation at part load through reduction in turbine airflow. This is accomplished at nearly constant turbine exhaust temperature, so that design steam conditions and low stack loss can be maintained to provide excellent part-load efficiency.

5. Short-Installation Cycle – Combined cycle plants can be installed and operated in less time than that required for conventional steam plants. Again, this is primarily due to the pre-engineering and packaging of major components in the factory. Phased installation of the plant, when gas turbines are installed and operated in the simple-cycle mode during the steam-cycle equipment installation, enables the user to generate power and revenue in as little as a year from order date.

6. High Reliability/Availability – High reliability operation results from evolutionary design development that improves parts and components, and quality manufacturing programs that offer operational factory testing. High availability is achieved through development of sound operation and maintenance practices, which reside principally with the user. Manufacturer experience and recommendations also contribute to this feature.

7. Low Operation and Maintenance Costs - Low operation and maintenance costs are achieved through quality design, prudent operation, and equipment design that allow convenient access for component inspection.

8. High Efficiency in Small Capacity Increments - Gas turbine generators are designed and manufactured in discrete frame sizes. For example, the General Electric heavy-duty, gas turbine-packaged power plant product line includes the MS6001B (50 Hz and 60 Hz), MS7001FA (60 Hz), MS7001B (60 Hz) and the MS9001FA (50 Hz) units, which cover an output range of approximately 37 MW to 250 MW. Application of these gas turbine models in combined-cycle systems as single or multiple gas turbine and HRSG installations can provide from about 50 MW to several thousand megawatts of power generation at essentially constant plant thermal efficiency.


In general, Combined Cycle efficiencies are over 50 percent on lower heating value and Gross Output basis. Most combined cycle units, especially the larger units, have peak, steady state efficiency of 55 - 59%. Research aimed at 1370°C (2500°F) turbine inlet temperature has led to even more efficient combined cycles and 60 percent efficiency has been reached for at least one combined cycle unit, (e.g. the combined cycle unit of Baglan Bay, a GE H-technology gas turbine with a NEM 3 pressure reheat boiler. Utilising steam from the HRSG to cool the turbine blades). Other GT manufacturers also claim to have broken the 60% efficiency for combined cycle (e.g. Siemens).

By combining both gas and steam cycles, high input temperatures and low output temperatures can be achieved. The efficiency of the cycles add, because they are powered by the same fuel source. So, a combined cycle plant has a thermodynamic cycle that operates between the gas-turbine's high firing temperature and the waste heat temperature from the condensers of the steam cycle. This large range means that the Carnot efficiency of the cycle is high. The actual efficiency, while lower than this, is still higher than that of either plant on its own. The actual efficiency achievable is a complex area.

The electric efficiency of a combined cycle power station, calculated as electric energy produced as a percent of the lower heating value of the fuel consumed, may be as high as 58 percent when operating new, ie un aged, and at continuous output which are ideal conditions. As with single cycle thermal units, combined cycle units may also deliver low temperature heat energy for industrial processes, district heating and other uses. This is called cogeneration and such power plants are often referred to as a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant.


The efficiency of CCGT and GT can be boosted by pre-cooling combustion air. This is practiced in hot climates and also has the effect of increasing power output. This is achieved by evaporative cooling of water using a moist matrix placed in front of the turbine, or by using Ice storage air conditioning. The latter has the advantage of greater improvements due to the lower temperatures available. Furthermore, ice storage can be used as a means of load control or load shifting since ice can be made during periods of low power demand and, potentially in the future the anticipated high availability of other resources such as renewables during certain periods.



            As with the combustion process, the exhaust from the gas turbine contains elements that have been deemed as pollutants. The main emission products of the concern are:

·         Nitrogen oxides(Nox)

·         Carbon monoxide (CO)

·         Volatile Hydrocarbon Compounds(VHC)

·         Sulphur oxide(Sox)

·         Particulate Matter(PM)


Nitrogen oxides:

            Nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2) must be divided into two classes according to their mechanism of formation. Nitrogen oxides formed from the oxidation of the free nitrogen in the combustion air or fuel is called “thermal NOx.” They are mainly a function of the stoichiometric adiabatic flame temperature of the fuel, which is the temperature reached by burning a theoretically correct mixture of fuel and air in an insulated vessel.  

The following is the relationship between combustor operating conditions and thermal NOx production:

·         NOx increases strongly with fuel-to-air ratio or with firing temperature

·         NOx increases exponentially with combustor inlet air temperature

·         NOx increases with the square root of the combustor inlet pressure

·         NOx increases with increasing residence time in the flame zone

·         NOx decreases exponentially with increasing water or steam injection or

            increasing specific humidity.

Emissions which are due to oxidation of organically bound nitrogen in the fuel—fuel-bound nitrogen (FBN)—are called “organic NOx.”Only a few parts per million of the available free nitrogen (almost all from air) are oxidized to form nitrogen oxide, but the oxidation of FBN to NOx is very efficient. It is important to note that the reduction of flame temperatures to abate thermal NOx has little effect on organic NOx. For liquid fuels, water and steam injection actually increases organic NOx yields. Organic NOx formation is also affected by turbine firing temperature. The contribution of organic NOx is important only for fuels that contain significant amounts of FBN such as crude or residual oils. Low-Btu gases generally have flame temperatures below 3500°F/1927°C and correspondingly lower thermal NOx production.

Carbon Monoxide:

Because of the very short loading sequence of gas turbines, there are the chances for the emission of carbon monoxide (CO).          


 Variation of CO in gas turbine exhaust along with firing temperature

As firing temperature is reduced below about 1500°F/816°C the carbon monoxide emissions increase quickly. This Figure characteristic curve is typical of all heavy-duty machine series.


Unburned Hydrocarbons:

Unburned hydrocarbons (UHC), like carbon monoxide, are associated with combustion inefficiency. At all but very low loads, the UHC emission levels for No. 2 distillate and natural gas are less than 7 ppmvw (parts per million by volume wet).



 Variation of UHC in gas turbine exhaust along with firing temperature


Sulphur Oxides:

The gas turbine itself does not generate sulphur, which leads to sulphur oxides emissions. All sulphur emissions in the gas turbine exhaust are caused by the combustion of sulphur introduced into the turbine by the fuel, air, or injected steam or water. However, since most ambient air and injected water or steam has little or no sulphur, the most common source of sulphur in the gas turbine is through the fuel. Due to the latest hot gas path coatings, the gas turbine will readily burn sulphur contained in the fuel with little or no adverse effects as long as there are no alkali metals present in the hot gas. The sulphur in the fuel is completely converted to sulphur oxides. A nominal estimate of the sulphur oxides emissions is calculated by assuming that all fuel sulphur is converted to SO2. However, sulphur oxide emissions are in the form of both SO2 and SO3, reports show that 95% of the sulphur into the turbine is converted to SO2 in the exhaust. The remaining sulphur is converted into SO3. SO3 combines with water vapour in the exhaust to form sulphuric acid. This is of concern in most heat recovery applications where the stack exhaust temperature may be reduced to the acid dew point temperature. Additionally, it is estimated that 10% by weight of the SOx generated is sulphur mist. Control of sulphur oxides emissions has typically required limiting the sulphur content of the fuel, either by lower sulphur fuel selection or fuel blending with low sulphur fuel.

Particulates    :

Gas turbine exhaust particulate emission rates are influenced by the design of the combustion system, fuel properties and combustor operating conditions. The principal components of the particulates are smoke, ash, ambient noncombustibles, and erosion and corrosion products.Two additional components that could be

considered particulate matter in some localities are sulphuric acid and unburned hydrocarbons that are liquid at standard conditions.




                                                                Emission Reduction Techniques

The gas turbine, generally, is a low emitter of exhaust pollutants because the fuel is burned with ample excess air to ensure complete combustion at all but the minimum load conditions or during start-up. The exhaust emissions of concern and the emission control techniques can be divided into several categories as shown. Each pollutant emission reduction technique will be discussed in the following sections.


Lean Head End (LHE) Combustion Liners:

Since the overall combustion system equivalence ratio must be lean (to limit turbine inlet temperature and maximize efficiency), the first efforts to lower NOx emissions were naturally directed toward designing a combustor with a leaner reaction zone. Since most gas turbines operate with a large amount of excess air, some of this air can be diverted towards the flame end, which reduces the flame temperature.


                                                 LHE Combustion Liners

  Leaning out the flame zone (reducing the flame zone equivalence ratio) also reduces the flame length, and thus reduces the residence time a gas molecule spends at NOx formation temperatures. Both these mechanisms reduce Ox. The principle of a LHE liner design is shown in Figure 8. It quickly became apparent that the reduction in primary zone equivalence ratio at full operating conditions was limited because of the large turndown in fuel flow (40 to 1), air flow (30 to 1), and fuel/air ratio (5 to 1) in industrial gas turbines. Further, the flame in a gas turbine is a diffusion flame since the fuel and air are injected directly into the reaction zone. Combustion occurs at or near stoichiometric conditions, and there is substantial recirculation within the reaction zone. These parameters essentially limit the extent of LHE liner technology to a NOx reduction of 40% at most. One disadvantage of leaning out the head end of the liner is that the CO emissions increase.


Water/Steam Injection:

Another approach to reducing NOx formation is to reduce the flame temperature by introducing a heat sink into the flame zone. Both water and steam are very effective at achieving this goal. A penalty in overall efficiency must be aid for the additional fuel required to heat the water to combustor temperature. However, gas turbine output is enhanced because of the additional mass flow through the turbine. By necessity, the water must be of boiler feedwater quality to prevent deposits and corrosion in the hot turbine gas path area downstream of the combustor. Water injection is an extremely effective means for reducing NOx formation; however, the combustor designer must observe certain cautions when using this reduction technique. To maximize the effectiveness of the water used, fuel nozzles have been designed with additional passages to inject water into the combustor head end. The water is thus effectively mixed with the incoming combustion air and reaches the flame zone at its hottest point. Other machines have similar NOx abatement performance with water injection. Steam injection for NOx reduction follows essentially the same path into the combustor head end as water. However, steam is not as effective as water in reducing thermal NOx. The high latent heat of water acts as a strong thermal sink in reducing the flame temperature. In general, for a given NOx reduction, approximately 1.6 times as much steam as water on a mass basis is required for control. There are practical limits to the amount of water or steam that can be injected into the combustor before serious problems occur. This has been experimentally determined and must be taken into account in all applications if the combustor designer is to ensure long hardware life for the gas turbine user.

Carbon Monoxide Control:

There are no direct carbon monoxide emission reduction control techniques available within the gas turbine. Basically the carbon monoxide emissions within the gas turbine combustor can be viewed as resulting from incomplete combustion. Since the combustor design maximizes combustion efficiency, carbon monoxide emissions are minimized across the gas turbine load range of firing temperatures.  The carbon monoxide emission levels increase at lower firing temperatures. In some applications where carbon monoxide emissions become a concern at low loads (firing temperatures).


The increase in carbon monoxide can be lowered by: 

·         reducing the amount of water/steam

·         injection for NOx control (if allowed)or

·         Closing the inlet guide vanes, this will increase the firing temperature for the same load.


Unburned Hydrocarbons Control:

Similar to carbon monoxide, there is also no direct UHC reduction control techniques used within the gas turbine. UHCs are also viewed as incomplete combustion, and the combustor is designed to minimize these emissions. The same indirect emissions control techniques can be used for unburned hydrocarbons as for carbon monoxide.

Particulate and Smoke Reduction:

Control techniques for particulate emissions with the exception of smoke are limited to control of the fuel composition. Although smoke can be influenced by fuel composition, combustors can be designed which minimize emission of this pollutant. Heavy fuels such as crude oil and residual oil have low hydrogen levels and high carbon residue, which increase smoking tendencies. Crude and residual fuel oil generally contain alkali metals (Na, K) in addition to vanadium and lead, which cause hot corrosion of the turbine nozzles and buckets at the elevated firing temperatures of today's gas turbine. If the fuel is washed, water soluble compounds (alkali salts) containing the contaminants are removed. Filtration, Centrifuging, or electrostatic precipitations are also effective on reducing the solid contaminants in the combustion products.

Contaminants that cannot be removed from the fuel (vanadium compounds) can be controlled through the use of inhibitors. Magnesium is used to control vanadium corrosion in its heavy-duty gas turbines. These magnesium additives always form ash within the hot gas path components. This process generally requires control and removal of added ash deposits from the turbine. The additional ash will contribute to the exhaust particulate emissions. Generally, the expected increase can be calculated from an analysis of the particular fuel being burned. In some localities, condensable compounds such as SO3 and condensable hydrocarbons are considered particulates. SO3, like SO2, can best be minimized by controlling the amount of sulphur in the fuel. The major problem associated with sulphur compounds in the exhaust comes from the difficulty of measurement. Emissions of UHCs, which are a liquid or solid at room temperature, are very low and only make a minor contribution to the exhaust particulate loading.
